Fugro employee looks out to sea


Integrating information streams, corporate website for Fugro

Worldwide leader in geodata, Fugro, was on the hunt for a new corporate website. The challenge: create one, easy-to-navigate website for multiple different audiences. Touchtribe dug deep and struck gold with a Dutch Interactive Award for the category Best Corporate.

Shifting focus

Geo-data giant Fugro is shifting its focus towards the sustainable energy transition. This shift called for an overhaul of its corporate website to create an immaculate user experience. With some 11,000 employees and 100s of vacancies in 60 countries, the website also serves candidates and employees.

To aid Fugro in this transition, Touchtribe assembled a team to work on strategy and development.

A gold DIA for Corporate

During the Dutch Interactive Awards on 6 June 2024, the new Fugro corporate website impressed the judges. Our close collaboration with our colleagues from Soda Studio, Resoluut, Milkshake Research, and Mr. Koreander helped us to earn gold in the category Corporate.

Sustainable windmill park powered by Fugro

Composable architecture eases IT-workload

StoryBlok CMS

The new Fugro website revolves around storytelling. To aid its new visual-heavy style, we built a custom, headless CMS using Storyblok: allowing the frontend and backend to operate independently. This streamlines the workflow to make maintaining and updating the website faster, and it allows internal teams to create impressive-looking pages without prior coding knowledge. 

The website can be optimised on the fly thanks to data-driven conversion that helps to continuously improve the website through user data.

Fugro Job Interview

Improved experience for HR and Fugro-candidates

Operating in 60 countries worldwide, Fugro has a constant stream of 100s of job vacancies. To save the HR department the headache of copy-pasting each one into the CMS every day, we suggested an integration with its existing HR portal. Yet the big problem was this portal being offline for 4 hours a week for maintenance. Not ideal when you operate in 24 different time zones.

To overcome this problem, we decided to bring together job postings from Workday and content from StoryBlok in Algolia. This avoids double work for the HR Officer and Algolia's powerful search functionality makes finding new job opportunities a breeze for candidates.

All in all, these improvements resulted in less work for the HR department and a smooth experience for both candidates and employees.

Contact form


It was important to have integrations with existing software used by Fugro, a prime example being the HR portal. Fugro’s existing CRM also needed to be integrated into the new website. Online forms, for example, are connected to Fugro's existing CRM – saving a lot of time and manual actions for its sales and marketing teams.

By using composable architecture in this way, any future integrations can be easily added to the Fugro ecosystem, which comprises independent systems and components that communicate with each other with the help of APIs. Meaning less work and maintenance for Fugro’s IT teams.

[FUGRO] Investeerders

Presenting real-time data

In addition to customers and employees, investors played a large role in reshaping the Fugro website. Their goal is to get data insights, as they happen. This meant making share price charts available in real-time alongside historical data, allowing investors to check how their investments are performing.


In addition to a DIA, the new corporate website has garnered impressive results. The session frequency has increased by 30% and there is a significant increase in time spent on the platform; from 45 seconds to 1 minute 45 seconds. This indicates a deeper connection to the content provided, something that is also reflected in an increase in website revenue.

Want to explore a similar project or know more about how composable architecture can work for your next project? Get in touch!